Infographic-style image of the Buyer's Pyramid divided into five segments, each labeled: Top 3% (Ready to Purchase Now), Next 7% (Open to Purchasing), Middle 30% (Interested in Information), Next 30% (Not Interested), and Bottom 30% (Not Open to Purchasing). Each segment features an icon representing the buyer category, with vibrant colors and the title 'Unlocking Sales Success with the Buyer's Pyramid' at the top and the Lead Gen Junkies logo at the bottom.

Why We Build Lists for Our Clients: The Buyer's Pyramid Explained

July 10, 20243 min read

Hey there, fellow marketers and business owners! Let's cut to the chase. If you're not building and nurturing your list, you're leaving money on the table. And who wants to do that? Today, we’re diving into the Buyer's Pyramid, a concept from Chet Holmes' "The Ultimate Sales Machine," and how it underscores the importance of building and nurturing your list.

What is the Buyer's Pyramid?

The Buyer's Pyramid is a brilliant visual tool that categorizes your potential customers into five distinct segments. It's all about understanding where your audience stands in their buying journey and how you can tailor your approach to each group. Holmes, the marketing genius, breaks it down like this:

Buyers Pyramid

1.Top 3% - Buyers Ready to Purchase Now:

These folks are hot, ready, and eager to buy. They're the ones searching for your product or service and need minimal convincing. Holmes calls them the "low-hanging fruit."

2. Next 7% - Buyers Open to Purchasing:

Not actively looking, but with the right nudge, they can be converted. They’re sitting on the fence, and your job is to tip them over.

3. Middle 30% - Buyers Interested in Information:

These people want to know more but aren't ready to pull the trigger. They need nurturing – think of them as seedlings that need watering.

4. Next 30% - Buyers Not Interested:

Currently, they're indifferent. But with consistent engagement and the right offer, they could become potential buyers down the line.

5. Bottom 30% - Buyers Not Open to Purchasing:

They’re a tough crowd, uninterested and unlikely to convert. Holmes suggests not wasting too much effort here, as the return on investment is minimal.

Building and Nurturing Your List with the Buyer's Pyramid:

Focus on the Top 10%:

The top 3% and the next 7% are your goldmine. These are the people who will respond to your direct offers and quick action campaigns. Tailor your messaging to highlight immediate benefits and strong calls to action. Think about special offers, time-sensitive discounts, and personalized pitches.

Educate the Middle 30%:

This segment needs information. They’re not ready to buy, but they’re curious. Your content marketing comes into play here. Create educational blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and case studies. These will help build trust and move them closer to a buying decision. Remember, education is the best form of marketing.

Engage the Next 30%:

These folks aren’t interested – yet. Use retargeting ads and consistent follow-ups to stay on their radar. Over time, as they see your value proposition repeatedly, they may shift their stance. Holmes emphasizes persistence here – it’s about being in the right place at the right time.

Monitor the Bottom 30%:

While this group isn't your primary focus, don't ignore them entirely. Market trends and individual circumstances change. Stay aware of shifts that might make them more receptive in the future.

The Ultimate List-Building Lesson:

Building and nurturing a list isn't just about collecting names and email addresses. It's about understanding where each lead stands in their buying journey and tailoring your approach accordingly. As Chet Holmes says, "Mastery isn’t about doing 4,000 things. It’s about doing 12 things 4,000 times." Consistency and persistence are key.

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The Buyer's Pyramid is more than just a marketing concept; it’s a powerful tool for understanding your audience and maximizing your sales efforts. By focusing on the most receptive segments, educating the curious, and engaging the indifferent, you can build a robust, responsive list that drives your business forward.

By incorporating this detailed understanding of the Buyer's Pyramid, you can better align your marketing strategies to each segment, ensuring a more effective and comprehensive approach to building and nurturing your list​ (Chet Holmes International)​​ (Chet Holmes International)​​ (The Ultimate Sales Machine Blog)​.

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